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Thursday, August 7, 2008

Screeching halt?

Yeah, it's been a while. If you haven't figured it out yet, I'm chronic for forgetting passwords and such things. I know shame on me!
Well things have been a little hecktic. My brother went to and graduated from boot camp. He's now a full fledge Marine. It's kinda odd, he seems so freakishly tall now.

I've also realized how much help he was. I could always go up to him and say. "Hey! Let's go catch one of the horses." And he'd usually be up for it. Now I'm kinda on my own, I can't wedge anyone else out of the sofa to save my life.

Last time I did it was a while ago and gee, it didn't go so hot. I meant to blog about it earlier, but never got around to it. I finally talked someone into giving me a hand with Shadow, catching her and holding her while I groom and tack up, well. Of course she dances a bit a soon as she lays her eyes on the tack. *commence eye roll* But I shrugged it off. All our horses did that. She relaxed and was all lovey dovey when it came to grooming, and we got her tacked up in no time.
I had her lunged she reacted and did everything I asked perfectly., but appearently it wasn't enough. I decided I was going to crawl up into the saddle while she was on the lounge line. For some reason we had someone else's saddle on her. A size 16 and half a bit big from my 15 barrel saddle, but I ignored it. We were just riding around in the yard. Pfft. That little fact probably saved my butt.

Everything started out smoothly. Pefect walk, responded well when I put her into a trot. But we were a little too close to the fence so we moved further into the yard. She did give a little flinch when part of the yard sloped, but I paid no attention to it. Heh. if you know of my confidence issues, you know I'm lying now. I was trying my best to ignore it and be positive. I didn't want her picking up on that.

Well we get to the flat spot in the yard, She was given slack in the lounge line to get her started again, when all hell just broke loose. I just remember grabbing the horn and thinking. I have to stay on or we'll be back at square one. I have to stay on. (She only had the lunge line, no bridle Or I would have had those reins.) To put it this way, for a horse as small as she is, she can get up in the air certainly far. She dosen't know what 'crow hop' means. She just go's from 0-90. My step dad had to tell me this, becaus honestly, I just remember her head and neck going through the motions. I was told I stayed on for the majority of it, but I did come unglued and I don't know how, but I ended up landing on my hands an knees. Let me tell you something, it dosen't matter how you land, if your going to fall on Oklahoma clay. It still hurts like hell. I pulled some muscles in my back, to where I couldn't sit up or stnad up straight. If I could have I would have gotten right back on. She had me so pissed off. I was cussing like a mad woman. So we lunged her again, and the riding stopped at that. Never ride when angry. And angry I was.

I thought at first maybe something had spooked her, but after looking around, we found nothing and really that just disappointed me. I've decided to send her off to a friend of ours, he did extremely well with breaking and conditioning some of our other horses. But first things first, gotta have the money to do so. -Sigh- This'll take a while.

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